Whether you make resolutions or use a word to give meaning to the new year, we all hope for some kind of change to excite us about what’s to come. It gives us something to look forward to or something to strive for to be better. Whatever it is, you have to love what you do, or you’ll quit and not give it your all. Let’s talk writing. If writing is your focus, do you have an end goal? Are you wanting to finish a rough draft, or publish your story? If you’ve started your writing journey, you know it’s not something to be done overnight. It takes time. If you make a plan, chances are, you will be closer to your accomplishments. One way to see your progress is to break down your goals into twelve mini ones, spread throughout the year. Each month can be something to work towards, such as signing up for a conference or working on a story to submit to a contest later in the year. Whatever it is, making small adjustments to your schedule will bring you closer to your goal. If you signed up for my newsletter, you will receive a PDF of a goal-setting, one-page calendar to help you draft your ideas. Like this: If you're only thinking about this now, or you didn’t start January first, don’t worry, it's all good. Finding what you want is the first step. Consider this month to ponder and figure out what goal or goals you’d like to achieve. Once you have your goal, think about how you'll accomplish it. The best way to do this is by using the SMART method. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time. For example: I want to sign with a literary agent. This is what I need to do: Specific- What do I want to accomplish? I want to find the best agent to champion my work. Measurable- How will I reach my goal? I will query X-amount of agents by the end of the year. Achievable- Is it possible to reach this goal? While you don’t have control over getting an agent, you can work towards building relationships and finding the best agent for you. Realistic- Have you finished your manuscript? Is it polished to the best of your ability? Querying agents takes time for both parties, so don’t waste it. Time- How much time do I give myself? There is no exact time for an author-agent relationship. It can take months to years. If you're serious about publishing, you have to keep writing and improving your craft. Need inspiration on taking your writing to the next level?
Here are 8 suggestions to get you started. 1. Complete a manuscript. This seems obvious but if the desire is to write a novel, but the dream is too big to wrap your mind around, focus on writing a short story and move on to writing a novella. Once you have written The End, you know you can write longer. Challenge yourself. 2. Join a writer’s group. It’s a great way to meet other authors and support others with the same passion. If an in-person group is not feasible, try finding one online. Connect with other writers. If a group doesn’t interest you, connect with authors writing in the same genre. It's a great way to learn and perfect your craft. 3. Whatever your writing experience, attending a writing conference is fun and is full of benefits. You will not only get support and encouragement from others, you will meet new people ( yay for writing friends! ), learn something to benefit your muse, and network. 4. If getting a literary agent is important to you, research, attend conferences, do online pitch parties, and follow agents for industry knowledge. There's a lot to learn here. It takes time and energy to find the best fit, but be patient. 5. Submit your work to contests. The ones with industry professionals are always good. Sure, you’re in it to win it, but it’s always a great way to get feedback on your manuscript and it's another chance to practice your skills. 6.If you’ve written stories but haven’t been published and want to try doing it yourself, self-publishing might be for you. It's a great way to learn about yourself as a writer, promote yourself as a professional and accomplish your dream. There’s a lot to learn on this subject. I may visit this on a future blog post, but if this is your goal, then you need to make SMART goals to achieve it. 7.Find a beta reader or a trusted reader for feedback. Polish your story to the best of your ability. Writing is subjective, but getting honest feedback from someone you trust is invaluable. 8. Time. It takes time to learn the craft. Be patient with yourself. Learn what you can and enjoy the process. Every time you write, you get better. Here’s to a new year and new accomplishments. Let me know how you’re taking your writing to the next level. Do you have one goal or many? What’s your plan? I’d love to know. Cheers to creativity!
These Ten Christmas Gift Ideas Will Lift Any Writer's Mood. Christmas shopping can be stressful and anxiety-inducing if you don't know what gifts to buy. Maybe you're struggling to find that perfect gift on a budget or contemplating if she can use another coffee/tea mug. It can really test you on how well you know someone. If in doubt, soft, cuddly blankets and candles are always a hit, but if you want to get something a little more personal, I've scouted out some useful gifts for the writer in your life. 1. Reading socks. There's nothing like settling down with a book and feeling all cozy and warm. If not reading socks, why not ones that are fun, book-related patterns? A few websites, such as Etsywww.etsy.com and Uncommon Goods, www.uncommongoods.com/gifts/best-selling/best-selling carry them, amongst other creative gifts, but of course, your local bookstore is a great place to start. 2. Journal. Gifting a beautiful journal to the writer in your life is thoughtful and meaningful. They can take it on their travels, or use it for their creative thoughts. Pair it with a quill pen www.amazon.ca/s?k=quill+pen&crid=1AAUP9IQMR1IX&sprefix=quill+pen%2Caps%2C161&ref=nb_sb_noss_1and you've got a memorable gift. 3. Pens and pencils are a necessity. Even though we're in the digital age, pen-to-paper sparks creativity. Cute and conversation-type pens will get a smile out of your writer. If you can't find engraved pens or pencils, quality ones are appreciated. Check out stationary stores near you. 4. Pilot pens are supposed to be the best for author signings. These specific ones on Amazon were recommended. Add this gift with a note: To my future best-seller author! Can I get your autograph? 5. Writery decor. If you're looking for a decor item, how about a book scenery snow globe? www.indigo.ca/en-ca/book-vase-large/825466167407.html Or, a book-themed vase will look good on any desk or in an office. https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/book-vase-large/825466167407.html 6. Book club or Book Lover t-shirt or sweatshirt will definitely get worn. Writers love to be comfortable when writing, so you can't go wrong. https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/book-club-crewneck-sweatshirt-black-books/882709972020.html Redbubble has a good selection: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/writerly+t-shirts 7. Writing gloves, scarves, headbands and book bags. If you want to splurge, Storiarts has beautiful textiles. Creative and unique gifts for any reader and writer. They do have sales from time to time. https://storiarts.com/ 8. If you can't decide, a mug is a useful gift. There are so many entertaining mugs to choose from right now. Every writer has their favourite, but there's always room for one more. Add a pair of socks to it and you have a win! 9. Personalized book embosser. This handy tool takes the place of stickers or scribbling a name in a book. There are some creative ways to make it personal, but, the standard, This Book Belongs to... is perfect. You can order online at various places, but if you live in the Lower Mainland, I encourage you to check out, The Mailroom www.themailroom.ca ( It's a writer's dream store ) They sell them, amongst other creative tools. 10. A gift card. You can't go wrong. It's a winner. What author doesn't buy books? Add a fun note that reads: 'Your weekend is booked!' or, 'I've got you booked!'
Have you bought a gift for a writer in your life? I’d love to know what it is and where you shopped. Tell me in the comments. Wishing you a wonderful holiday. I will be on a break until the new year. Until then, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Charlene The querying process. It can be a brain-drain if you’re sending out multiple letters at a time, but, it’s a necessity if you want to break into traditional publishing. Agents and editors look at it as a selling piece. It’s a formal introduction to your book and who you are as a writer. A lot goes into a one-page letter: the pitch, the why you’re sending it to them, a blurb, and your credentials. Querying takes a lot of patience and energy. It can be a mix of emotions: Excitement, nervousness, and imposture syndrome. It’s all part of the process. Maybe you’re not seeking representation or wanting to traditional publish and that’s totally fine. We all have our path to publishing. There’s no right or wrong way, but if you need an agent, the query letter is the first step to gaining the attention you need to sell your manuscript. If the agent or editor likes what they’ve read, they may ask for more, meaning a few pages, chapters, or your full manuscript. It can be a dreaded process because it requires patience while you wait months for a reply and if you’re lucky to get a request to read your whole book, there’s more waiting. It’s understandable because each agent gets hundreds of query letters a month. If they’re interested in reading the first five pages, five chapters, or the book, it’s a lot of reading when they have clients to manage and their author’s books to read. The whole querying process takes persistence, dedication, and time. You have to believe in what you’ve written. If you’re not getting the response you were hoping for, you may have to revise your query letter or, revise your manuscript. If you are getting feedback on your story, that's great. Appreciate the response from a reputable source because they are reading your book just like any other reader. Let’s consider your book is polished, and you’ve been querying for months and haven’t had any takers. It can be frustrating and disappointing. However, knowing this is a long process, there are things you can do to make it easier on your creative mind. Here are five suggestions you can do to keep your sanity.
Schedule time to query. Querying every day is just hard on your creative brain. It takes work and research. When you’re not creative writing, it’s a good time to research and find the best agent for your job. How do you do that? Well, you can start by checking out the acknowledgments page in the book you’re reading. Assuming it’s a genre you’ve written, authors will thank their agent, so it’s a great place to discover agents that might work for what you’re writing. The manuscripitwishlist.com is a great place to search for what editors and agents want. Once you have a list of agents to query, go ahead and write your queries and send them out in a batch of five or ten. This way, you’ll feel productive and organized. Follow agents you're interested in on social media. They may post their #MSWL. Join pitch parties. This is a great way to meet other writers-- both querying and published, who will cheer you on. Sometimes when we’re feeling low and discouraged, it can lift our mood and remind us of why we’re doing it. Pitch parties help you perfect your pitch and it’s an opportunity to showcase what you’re working on. You might even get positive feedback from other writers. You can find these one-day events on X, Bluesky, and savvyauthors.com Set aside time for self-care. If you’re not looking after yourself, how can you have a clear head when writing query letters and pitching your story? The best thing to do is find something to distract you. Find another engagement, bake, read, knit, or whatever else you love to do. Take time to exercise. There’s nothing like moving your body to feed your brain positivity. It helps lower stress levels and recharge your mind. Whether it’s a fitness class, walking the dog, or getting outside, it’s all good for mental health. Connection. There’s nothing like chatting with other author friends to lift you and cheer you on. Authors need support. It’s a lonely profession if you let it. Sending positive notes, and replying to a post to another author will make them smile and feel good. Weekly communication with other authors is a confidence boost, and because the path to publication is different for everyone, it allows you to learn and support your fellow writers. When you’ve finished writing your book and have submitted it, the best thing to do is write another book. It keeps your mind engaged and it helps perfect your craft. It also is a good distraction to fall in love with another story. If you're in a slump, remember to keep going and not give up. It’s hard to stay positive when you’re used to receiving rejections, but this is what will make you a better writer. Persistence, perfecting your craft, and personal connections with other writers, will all help you stay sane in the querying trenches. Happy writing, and good luck! *I originally posted this o denijones.weebly.com It’s only the first week of December, and already, the calendar is filling up with commitments and end-of-year tasks. You’re probably wondering how to fit in exercise, a writing session, and all the good stuff that comes around during the holidays. If you’re struggling to fit in me-time, you’re not alone. Don’t fret and beat yourself up over not getting a workout in. Count your steps and be kind to yourself. It’s a stressful time of year. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 52% of Canadians feel anxiety, depression, and isolation during the holiday season. Given this information, it’s best to practice positive thinking and do what you can to ease the stress and protect your mental health. If you’re looking for easy ways to exercise your mind and body, try these for a feel-good approach. Take a Walk with Friends Socializing is important for our mental health and exercise is important for our physical health, so why not combine the two? Take a stroll with a friend. It will not only boost your energy but it will add positivity to your day, by being with someone you care about and your body is getting a low-impact exercise too. Talking and sharing during this time of year is helpful. Even when we don’t feel social, it’s a healthy approach to well-being. According to Physiological Today, researchers are learning how social connectedness is impacting not only mental and emotional well-being but also physical health. www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/evidence-based-living/202411/use-the-holidays-to-promote-social-connection#:~:text=The%20data%20are%20clear%3A%20Loneliness,place%20to%20spend%20the%20holiday. Hit 10,000 Steps Walking is a low-impact exercise with huge benefits. Studies have shown, that aiming for 10,000 steps reduces cardiovascular disease, anxiety, stroke, and certain cancers. Need to get your 10,000 steps a day? Park further from the mall and tread through stores, take the stairs, and schedule walks. Aiming for 10,000 steps is ideal to maintain your health. Short on time? You don’t have to spend an hour doing yoga. There are online classes you can do in under 20 minutes. If yoga isn’t your thing, try Pilates or stretching to ease tension and build strength and stability. My favourite online class is Fiton available on the APP store. A fifteen-minute brain break is good for you. It’s also enough time to do a workout. Yes, in just 15 minutes, you will burn calories and boost your mood. Of course, the level of exercise depends on your ability. Are you stuck with a list of chores to do?
Adding resistance to your exercise or chore is a great way to build strength. Carrying laundry? Try doing a set of lunges. Making dinner? Do a set of squats in between. Stuck at your computer? Do push-ups and, or stretches to ease tension. Incorporating movement into your day adds up and if you remember to move your body during the day, you’ll get results. Regardless of your fitness plans, making time to enjoy the little things such as wrapping gifts, baking treats, and singing Christmas music are all good ways to add positivity to your day. I hope this season brings you good health and joy. Are You Reaching Your Writing Goals? Here are Six Ways to Help you Find Your Creative Spark.11/27/2024 Are you reaching your writing goals? It’s hard to keep up a writing schedule when there's a lot going on this time of year. November is coming to an end and so is NanoWriMo. https://nanowrimo.org/about-nano Whether you take part in the 30-day challenge or not, it’s a reminder of setting goals and pushing yourself to accomplish them. If you’ve met your goals, awesome! And, if you’re trailing behind, it’s okay. Managing bigger expectations close to the holidays is hard and you should be proud of yourself for trying. Come December, one might lose the writing schedule to take a break and enjoy the holiday. It’s a good time to set your project aside to let it stew and return to it in the new year with fresh eyes. In the meantime, take care of yourself. If you’re overwhelmed or battling with low energy and creativity to get those words written, you might want to consider scheduling a little Me-Time. Not every day will be magical hours of escaping into your fictional world. Creating can be taxing on your brain. It’s part of the reason why taking breaks is important. Giving yourself permission to do other things rather than create is beneficial. If you need ideas to boost your creativity and self-care, here are six ways to help you find your spark. 1. Write yourself a Note. If you’re frustrated and unable to get the words out, try writing what you’re grateful for and the positives you’ve done as a writer. For example, when you’re feeling discouraged, write down the positives. What are you working on? What are you excited to be writing about? Did you finish a draft? Be proud of your accomplishments. By changing your thought pattern into something positive, you may find it a mood-booster and renew your creative brain. 2. Clean your creative space. Reorganize your desk and give your space a little extra love by keeping an inspirational writing book in view, or stack books by authors you admire. You can celebrate the holidays you can decorate your space by adding a Poinsettia, snow globe or mini Christmas Tree. Framing a positive quote or hanging a motivational card will add inspiration. According to Indeed.com, (www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-organize-your-desk) maintaining an organized desk will improve your productivity. 3. Take a break. Taking a break at anytime is beneficial for our mental health, but taking a break from social media for an hour or a couple of hours to focus on yourself can bring a huge boost to your mood. If you struggle with time management this may help. How often do you pick up your phone to scroll and realize you just spent twenty minutes of mindless reading? Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad thing, but when you have writing to do, it’s not helping you focus. 4. Move your body. Moving your body feels good. Stretching your legs after sitting at your desk and leaving your thoughts behind as you explore nature will rejuvenate you by restoring your energy and boosting your creativity. When you don't have energy to walk, it's when you know you need to get outside and breathe in fresh air. 5. Eat nourishing food. Your body needs healthy food to function successfully. It’s easy to be at your desk, munching on chips and M&M’s, or skipping lunch to finish writing a scene, doesn't help. When you're not fuelling your body with nutrition, your energy levels may drop. If you’re looking for a healthy snack, Lindsay Gibson ( www.lindsaygibson.com ),nutritionalist and author of three sweet romances, including her newest The Christmas Coin, suggests two of her favourite healthy snacks. Chocolate Seed Balls and Cucumber smoked salmon bites. Both are a must try. Scroll down for the recipes. 6. Touch base with another author. This one is so important, not only for you but for the person you are connecting with. A quick email to say hello and sending well wishes for the week will add so much joy to your day. There's happiness in connection and communicating with someone who knows what you're going through. Let’s face it, only authors know what the writing process is like and with it comes the pressures to produce work, accepting rejections, and celebrating your wins. Congrats to Lindsay for hitting the #1 NEW release in Christmas in the Kindle Store! Chocolate Seed Balls
Ingredients 1/3 cup almonds 1 tablespoon of both chia and pumpkin seeds 1 teaspoon sesame seeds 1 tablespoon raw cocoa 3 tablespoons almond butter 2 tablespoons coconut palm sugar 1 tablespoon tahini 1/2 teaspoon stevia 1 teaspoon cinnamon Directions 1- Place all ingredients in a food processor and mix until it starts to stick together 2- Roll mixture into small balls, about a tablespoon per ball 3-Can eat right away or refrigerate until ready Cucumber Smoked Salmon Bites Ingredients 1 Cucumber cut into 1/4 inch thick rounds 1 Avocado 1/3 smoked salmon 2 teaspoon ground flax seed Directions 1- Place cucumber slices on plate (however many you want) 2- Open avocado and smash up in a bowl with sea salt (can use only a 1/2 if just a small plate) and place a dab of it on top of each cucumber round 3- Place a slice of smoked salmon on top 4- sprinkle with flax seed on each Optional- a some garlic powder to the avocado mash if desired |
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